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A cube root algorithm There are similarities with the square root algorithm. Please look [here].If number N = root3 + remainder, the cuberoot program returns the (cube) root and remainder of N.
Theory Regard N as groups of 3 bits, counted from the right side.[ab]2 = 2a + b (2a+b)3 = 8a3 + 12a2 + 6ab2 + b3. At the start, a=0 and "1" is subtracted from rightmost bit in the highest group of N. Then a=1, the term 8a3 = [1000]2 was subtracted from N. Next bit b has to be found: 12a2b + 6ab2 + b3 must be subtracted from N. If subtraction was possible, a becomes [a1]2 else a becomes [a0]2. So, to find the next bit b requires trial substraction of 12a2b + 6ab2 + b3 from N and because b=1 the substrahend becomes: 12a2 + 6a + 1 = [a0]([a0] + 1)*3 + 1. Note: [a0]2 = 2a. Each trial subtraction yields a new bit for the root. For 30 bit numbers, these steps have to be repeated 10 times to generate a 10 bit result. Note: Cube roots may be taken from negative numbers as well. The program function CubeRoot(N : longInt; var rem : longInt) : smallInt; // -1,073,741,823 <= N <= 1,073,741,823 //return integer cube root of N and remainder rem const max = 1073741824; var NX,sub,r2 : longInt; root : word; p : shortInt; neg : boolean; begin if (N <= -max) or (N >= max) then begin result := 0; rem := N; exit; end; if N < 0 then begin N := -N; neg := true; end else neg := false; p := 30; root := 0; repeat r2 := root shl 1; sub := r2*(r2+1)*3+1; sub := sub shl p; root := root shl 1; NX := N - sub; if NX >= 0 then begin N := NX; root := root or 1; end; p := p - 3; until p < 0; if neg then begin root := -root; N := -N; end; result := root; rem := N; end; procedure TForm1.GoBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var N,rem : longInt; root : smallInt; begin if length(numberEdit.Text) = 0 then numberEdit.Text := '0'; N := strtoInt(numberEdit.Text); root := cubeRoot(N,rem); rootLabel.Caption := inttostr(root); remainderlabel.Caption := inttostr(rem); end; procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var OK,mt : boolean; begin OK := false; with numberEdit do begin mt := length(text) = 0; case key of #8 : OK := true; '1'..'9' : OK := true; '0' : OK := not(mt); '$' : OK := mt; 'a'..'f' : OK := text[1] = '$'; '-' : OK := mt; end; if OK = false then key := #0; end; end; end. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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