Tile puzzle

download tiles program

Picture below shows an 8*8 board with one green tile.

The empty squares have to be filled with 1x3 tiles.
Below is the solution:

(Pictures are from the Dutch version. An English version is also available)


Puzzel dimensions

If the board size is d*d then to allow solutions d*d-1 must be a multiple of 3.
The tile program allows for 4*4, 5*5, 7*7, 8*8, 10*10,11*11 and 13*13 dimensions.
To increase the size: press dimensions button with right mousebutton.
To decrease the size: press dimensions button with left mousebutton.

Placing the green tile

On empty board: mouseclick on square.
On board with green tile: place mousepointer on green tile, press down and hold.
Shift to destination square. Release mousebutton.

Placing a yellow 1*3 tile

Move mousepointer over board. Dots indicate free 1*3 squares.
Press mouse button on target square, hold mousebutton down and shift in proper direction.
Release mousebutton if yellow tile appears.
A mouseclick on an existing tile removes it.

The solve button

Press to start cmputer search for solution.
Press the stop button to end the search.

The Delphi program

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