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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The DC networks project DC networks is written in the Delphi(7) programming language.It has the following forms and units: form1 , unit1 form1 holds:
- a paintbox(1) for network drawing - paintboxes showing components (wire, resistor, voltage source, ground contact) - edit boxes to enter component values - a label for messages
- event handlers - paint procedures for the components Final painting is done in bitmap map1. While painting in map2 (by mousemovement) map1 is used to erase map2. map2 is displayed in paintbox1. Please refer to my other articles where drawing techniques are explained. network_unit This unit contains the data formats and procedures to define a networkand perform the calculation of currents and voltages. resultform,result_unit They hold a paintbox and procedures to display currents and voltages.I/O unit Holds the open and save procedures to write and read networks from disc.debugform,debug_unit A paintbox and procedures to display intermediate data (circuits and matrices).Also flags and a procedure to pause program execution. Debugging needs code modification at design time. It cannot be switched on by the user. This description is limited to the network_unit The network_unit Data formats const maxelement = 30; maxcontact = 60; maxEC = maxElement + maxContact; type TElementType = (etNone,etDelete,etWire,etResistor,etVoltage);//the components TS6 = string[6]; TElement = record elType : TElementtype; con1 : byte; //nr of interconnection con2 : byte; //.. value : double; //Ohm, voltage vtext : TS6; //as entered in edit box end; TContact = record inUse : boolean; x,y : smallInt; //coordinate on screen end; var element : array[1..maxelement] of Telement; elCount : byte; //number of elements in use contact : array[1..maxcontact] of TContact; groundContact : byte; //number of ground contactIn an element current is supposed to flow from contact 1 to contact 2. (So a negative current flows from 2 to 1). A new element is entered in the elements[ ] array at the top. If an element is deleted, the elements positioned above are shifted down. Variable elCount always points to the top of the elements list. The contacts behave differently. An entry in the contact[ ] array holds the boolean variable inUse indicating that this contact is in use and positioned at (x,y). If an element is deleted, it"s contacts may still be in use by other elements. The groundcontact variable equals 0 if no ground is connected. The registerElement procedure takes care of new elements or deletion of old elements: function registerElement(var ep : TElement; x1,y1,x2,y2 : smallInt) : byte;the result is:
1 : element replaced 2 : registered OK 3 : max elements reached 4 : fake delete //delete symbol drawn but not matching existing element Equation system to solve the currents var EQA : array[0..maxelement,1..maxEC] of double;//equation array topEQA : byte; //number of equationsA contact results in an equation such as I1 + I2 + I3 - I4 = 0 The I1 value is entered in EQA[1, topEQA] := 1 The I4 value is entered in EQU[4, topEQA] := -1 The 0 value is entered in EQA[0, topEQA] := 0 ![]() Which elements are connected to a contact? var ECV : array[1..maxcontact] of dword; //element-contact-vectorIf element 10 is connected to contact 5 then ECV[5] has bit 10 set. ECV is used in procedure GetNextFreeElement, see later. // Kirchhoff currents for j := 1 to maxContact do begin nr := topEQA + 1; mf := false; for i := 1 to elCount do //Kirchhoff current with element[i] do begin if j = con1 then begin EQA[i,nr] := 1; mf := true; end; if j = con2 then begin EQA[i,nr] := -1; mf := true; end; end;//for i if mf then topEQA := nr; end;//for jWell, this was the easy part. Next comes the implementation of Kirchhoff's current law. ![]() The path A...B...C...D...A is called a circuit. Starting from A we use Ohm's law (E = I.R) to write the equation
-100I2 + 50I4 = 14
I3 + I4 = 0 ![]() So, per element we have to find a circuit to apply Kirchhoff's voltage law. Below I describe the method to find the shortest circuit for each element. Finding circuits Data structures:type Tcircuit = record ctIn,ctOut : byte; //entry contact el : byte; //element mult : shortInt; //1, -1 multiplier end; var circuit : array[1..maxContact] of Tcircuit; ccLength: byte; ECV : array[1..maxcontact] of dword; //element-contact-vector CEF : array[1..maxcontact] of boolean;//contact enable flag EEF : array[1..maxelement] of boolean;//element enable flag CCOK : boolean; //circuit OKThe boolean array CEF[ ] enables contacts. A false flag prevents that the contact is selected (again). Array EEF[ ] enables elements and prevent re-election of an element already part of a circuit. The circuit array circuit[ ] holds the elements that make a circuit. Variable mult (sign multiplier) equals 1 if ctIn = con1 and ctOut = con2. mult = -1 if ctIn = con2 and ctOut = con1, when current flows reverse. Remember that current is assumed to flow from element[ ].con1 to element[ ].con2 contacts. One of the arrays CEF, EEF seems superfluous. When searching for a circuit it is sufficient not to select contacts that are already part of the circuit. However, as the last contact in a circuit the starting contact must be choosen. This contact should not be excluded. Elements may never appear twice in a circuit. So I record both elements and contacts. Following procedure is called when the analyse button is pressed: procedure makeEQA; //make equation array var i,j,n,nr : byte; mlt : shortInt; //sign multiplier for current direction begin ...... // Kirchhoff voltages for i := 1 to elCount do //for all elements begin ccLength := 0; //reset circuit length if findCircuit(i) then //if circuit found begin inc(topEQA); for j := 1 to ccLength do begin with circuit[j] do //translate circuit data to equation begin n := el; mlt := mult; end; with element[n] do begin case eltype of etResistor : EQA[n,topEQA] := mlt*value; etVoltage : EQA[0,topEQA] := EQA[0,topEQA] + mlt*value; end;//case end; end;//for j end;//if find.. end;//for i end;MakeEQA calls findcircuit to.....(indeed). This function exits true if a circuit is found. Parameter fel is the first element of the circuit. Below I describe what is happening, see the listing for details. function findcircuit(fel : byte) : boolean; //...a circuit made in array node[ ] is //only stored in array circuit[ ] when it is shorter var i : byte; node : array[1..maxElement] of TCircuit; nn,nel : byte; //node nr label nextNode,nextMove; begin ..... //...preset CEF, EEF,Nodes .... //...set first node (element, contacts) ..... nextnode: ..... //...increment node number nn // set ctIn to ctOut of previous node ..... nextmove: ..... //...if free element found // set element, contacts in node[ ] // if round trip // set result true // if shorter replace circuit[ ] by node[ ] // no round trip...goto nextNode //..... //...(move back to previous node) // re-enable element, contacts in EEF,ECF // remove node // goto nextMoveAfter finding a circuit, the last element is removed and control is returned to the previous node to find more (maybe shorter) circuits. To find a free element: function GetNextFreeElement(var el:byte; ct:byte) : boolean; //get next free element connected to contact ct //drop contact and element enables var n,conOut : byte; begin result := false; n := el; while (result = false) and (n < elCount) do begin inc(n); result := EEF[n] and (((1 shl n) and ECV[ct]) > 0); if result then with element[n] do begin if con1 = ct then conOut := con2 else conOut := con1; result := CEF[conOut]; end; end; if result then with element[n] do begin EEF[n] := false; //prevent using them again CEF[con1] := false; CEF[con2] := false; el := n; end; end;This concludes the construction of EQA, the equations array. Solving the equations in EQA This is done by Gauss-Jordan elimination.A description is found [ here ]. Below a summary of the work: procedure solveEQA; var i,j,k,n,c1,c2 : byte; HV,M,D : double; nochange : boolean; begin ... //.....sweep columns down to zero ... //.....sweep columns to zero from bottom to top ... //At this point all entries in EQA[..,..] are zero except for EQA[i,i] ... //.....divide rows to make diagonal all = 1 ... //.....check for non zero values on diagonal (error check) ... //.....if ground connected // make voltage list starting at groundcontactThis concludes the DC-networks project description. Please refer to the source code for details. ![]() |
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