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Introduction The Delphi programming environment already contains a dialog form for color selection.In some cases however, a simple component, not a pop-up form, for the selection of colors is needed. This article describes such a simple component, which may also be integrated in complex, home built, dialog forms. The component source code is listed and the complete project may be downloaded. How the component looks
Ancestor Class The ancestor class is the TGraphicControl component, which is also the ancestor of the Tpaintbox component.Basically, the davColorBox is a modified paintbox. Component Properties
- cbVert ............ vertical orientation
- cb64............2 bits per color, 64 selectable colors - cb512..........3 bits per color, 512 selectable colors
Component Methods
Component Events
OnSelect is derived from the Mouse_Up event. Component Application When a mouse_up event occurs on the davColorBox component, an OnSelect event is received.
begin //.............color is the selected color end; Remarks The width and height properties are recalculated by the component,depending on the colordepth and Csquare values selected. Within the component, a color is represented by a sequential number in the range 0 .. 511 in the case of 512 color mode. From this number, the position in the rectangle is calculated for display. Also the 32 bit Windows color is calculated from this value. This 32 bit, true color, value is returned at the Onselect event. Source Code unit davColorBox; {color picker component supply rectangle with selectable colors properties: - direction : cbHor, cbVert for horizontal or vertical orientation - colordepth : cb8, cb64 , cb512 for amount of colors - Csquare : 5 .. 40, edge of each colored square - border : 0 .. 10 , the width of the border - borderlight : color of left and top of border - borderdark : color of bottom and right side of border methods: - create events: - OnSelect : mouse-up over a color supplies selected color } interface uses windows,controls,classes; type TcolorDepth = (cb8,cb64,cb512); Tcolorboxdir = (cbHor,cbVert); TColorSelect = procedure(sender : TObject; color : LongInt) of object; TColorSquare = record x1 : integer; y1 : integer; color : LongInt; end; TdavColorBox = class(TGraphicControl) private FColorDepth : TColorDepth; FDirection : Tcolorboxdir; FColor : LongInt; FOnSelect : TColorSelect; Fx : Integer; Fy : integer; FBorderwidth: byte; FBorderlight: LongInt; FBorderdark : LongInt; FCsquare : byte; procedure setDirection(cbDir : TcolorBoxdir); procedure setColorDepth(cbDepth : TColorDepth); procedure setDimensions; function number2color(w : word) : TColorSquare; protected procedure paint; override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure setSquare(edge : byte); procedure setBorderwidth(w : byte); procedure setBorderlight(c : longInt); procedure setBorderdark(c : longInt); procedure select(sender : TObject; selcolor : LongInt); public constructor create(AOwner:TComponent); override; published property OnSelect : TcolorSelect read FOnSelect write FOnSelect; property direction: TColorboxdir read FDirection write setDirection default cbHor; property colordepth: Tcolordepth read Fcolordepth write setcolordepth default cb512; property Csquare : byte read FCsquare write setSquare default 10; property border : byte read Fborderwidth write setborderwidth default 2; property borderlight : longInt read Fborderlight write setborderLight default $ffffff; property borderdark : LongInt read Fborderdark write setBorderdark default $0; property visible; property enabled; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('system',[TdavColorBox]); end; procedure TdavColorBox.setDimensions; const dimlist : array[cb8..cb512] of byte = (2,4,8); var xx,yy : integer; begin yy := dimlist[FcolorDepth]*FCsquare; xx := yy * dimlist[FColorDepth] + 2*border + 1; yy := yy + 2*border + 1; if Fdirection = cbHor then begin width := xx; height := yy; end else begin height := xx; width := yy; end; end; constructor TdavColorBox.create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited create(Aowner); FCSquare := 10; FBorderwidth := 4; FColorDepth := cb512; FDirection := cbHor; FBorderLight := $ffffff; FBorderdark := $0; FColor := $0; setdimensions; end; procedure TdavColorBox.setdirection(cbdir : Tcolorboxdir); begin Fdirection := cbdir; setdimensions; end; procedure TdavColorbox.setColorDepth(cbdepth : TColorDepth); begin FColorDepth := cbdepth; setSquare(FCSquare); setdimensions; end; function TdavColorBox.number2color(w : word) : TColorSquare; var r,g,b : byte; begin case ColorDepth of cb8 : begin r := w and $1; g := (w shr 1) and 1; b := (w shr 2) and $1; result.x1 := border + (r + 2*g) * FCSquare; result.y1 := border + b * FCSquare; if r > 0 then r := $ff; if g > 0 then g := $ff; if b > 0 then b := $ff; end; cb64 : begin r := (w and $3); g := (w shr 2) and $3; b := (w shr 4) and $3; result.x1 := border + (r + 4*g) * FCSquare; result.y1 := border + b * FCSquare; r := r shl 6; g := g shl 6; b := b shl 6; if r > 0 then r := r + $3f; if g > 0 then g := g + $3f; if b > 0 then b := b + $3f; end; cb512 : begin r := (w and $7); g := (w shr 3) and $7; b := (w shr 6) and $7; result.x1 := border + (r + 8*g) * FCSquare; result.y1 := border + b * FCSquare; r := r shl 5; g := g shl 5; b := b shl 5; if r > 0 then r := r + $1f; if g > 0 then g := g + $1f; if b > 0 then b := b + $1f; end; end;//case result.color := RGB(r,g,b); end; procedure TdavColorBox.Paint; const Cmaxcolor : array[cb8..cb512] of word = (7,63,511); var h,i,x1,y1 : integer; cs : TColorSquare; begin with self do with canvas do begin pen.color := $0; pen.width := 1; for i := 0 to border-1 do //borderpaint begin pen.color := Fborderlight; moveto(width-1-i,i); lineto(i,i); lineto(i,height-1-i); pen.color := FborderDark; lineto(width-1-i,height-1-i); lineto(width-1-i,i); end; //-- for i := 0 to Cmaxcolor[FColorDepth] do begin cs := number2color(i); if FDirection = cbVert then //trade x,y positions for vertical begin h := cs.x1; cs.x1 := cs.y1; cs.y1 := h; end; brush.color := cs.color; fillrect(rect(cs.x1,cs.y1,cs.x1+FCSquare,cs.y1+FCSquare)); end;//for i //-- pen.color := $0; for i := 0 to ((width-2*border) div FCSquare) do //sep. lines begin x1 := border + i * FCSquare; moveto(x1,border); lineto(x1,height - border); end; for i := 0 to ((height-2*border) div FCSquare) do begin y1 := border+ i * FCSquare; moveto(border,y1); lineto(width-border,y1); end; end; end; procedure TdavColorBox.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var h,v,temp : byte; colornumber : word; begin if (x > Fborderwidth) and (x < width-Fborderwidth-1) and (y > Fborderwidth) and (y < height-Fborderwidth-1) then begin h := (x - Fborderwidth) div FCsquare; v := (y - Fborderwidth) div FCSquare; end else exit; //-- if FDirection = cbVert then begin temp := h; h := v; v:= temp; end; case FColorDepth of cb8 : colornumber := h + v * 4; cb64 : colornumber := h + v * 16; cb512 : colornumber := h + v * 64; end; Fcolor := number2color(colornumber).color; if assigned(FOnSelect) then FonSelect(self,FColor); end; procedure TdavColorBox.Select(sender : TObject; selcolor : LongInt); begin if assigned(FOnSelect) then FonSelect(self,Fcolor); end; procedure TDavColorBox.setSquare(edge : byte); begin case FColorDepth of cb8 : if edge > 40 then edge := 40; cb64 : if edge > 20 then edge := 20; cb512 : if edge > 10 then edge := 10; end; if edge < 5 then edge := 5; FCSquare := edge; setdimensions; end; procedure TdavColorBox.setBorderwidth(w : byte); begin if w > 10 then w := 10; FBorderwidth := w; setdimensions; end; procedure TdavColorBox.setBorderlight(c : longInt); begin FBorderlight := c; paint; end; procedure TdavColorBox.setBorderdark(c : longInt); begin FBorderdark := c; paint; end; end. Project source code This Delphi-7 project consists of
- unit dav7colorpicker : unit that holds the component source code Click [ here ] to download the complete project. ![]() |
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