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Sometimes it is convenient to have a simple color selector to be placed on the canvas of a dialog form. The component presented here is of moderate size but still capable of selecting 1 of 256000 colors, because is is constructed of separate slides for red, green and blue, each with 64 positions. Below is a picture of the (colormixer) component in action ![]() Form1 and Unit1 make an exerciser to test the component. The mixer only consists of the three veretical color bars. The other components are part of the exerciser. The only property added is "color". By writing a new value to the color property, the slides may be preset. Read the color property to get the selected color. The color is always in the Windows bb-gg-rr format. Each time a slide changes position an event is generated that presents the new color to the application. Each slide has a position of 0 to 63. Before packing the slide positions into the 32 bits color value, 2 bits of value "1" are placed behind it to make the slideposition 8 bits in length. So, the minimal color value is $00030303 and the highest is $00ffffff The colormixer component has a fixed size of 120 * 140 pixels. Do not set the width or height. click [ here ] to load the testprogram with the mixer. click [ here ] to load the complete Delpi-7 project. ![]() ![]() unit dav7ColorMixer; {simple color mixer component for use on custom dialog form DavData Software, 14 - 12 - 2011 mix r,g,b selection property : - color methods : - create events : - OnSelect : mouse-move or mouse-down over a color slide supplies selected color } interface uses windows,controls,classes,graphics,forms; type TColorSelect = procedure(sender : TObject; color : LongInt) of object; Tdav7Colormixer = class(TGraphicControl) private Fred : byte; //0..63 color code cc Fgreen : byte; Fblue : byte; FColor : longInt; FOnSelect : TColorSelect; protected procedure paint; override; procedure mousemove(Shift : Tshiftstate; x,y : integer); override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure selColor(color : LongInt); procedure clearSlide(nr : byte); procedure setslide(nr : byte); procedure packRGB; procedure change(x,y : integer); public constructor create(AOwner:TComponent); override; property color : longInt read FColor write selcolor; published property OnSelect : TcolorSelect read FOnSelect write FOnSelect; property visible; property enabled; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('system',[Tdav7ColorMixer]); end; function y2color(y,nr : byte) : longInt; //convert y slide top position to color begin result := (((y and $fe) shl 1) + 3) shl ((nr-1) shl 3); end; procedure Tdav7ColorMixer.packRGB; //make Fcolor from Fred,Fgreen,Fblue begin Fcolor := (Fred shl 2) + 3; Fcolor := Fcolor or ((Fgreen shl 2) + 3) shl 8; Fcolor := Fcolor or ((Fblue shl 2) + 3) shl 16; end; constructor Tdav7Colormixer.create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited create(Aowner); Fred := 0; Fgreen := 0; Fblue := 0; Fcolor := $0; width := 120; height := 140; end; procedure TDav7ColorMixer.selcolor(color : LongInt); //external call sets color of mixer var i : byte; begin if (enabled = false) then exit; Fcolor := color; for i := 1 to 3 do begin if visible then clearslide(i); case i of 1 : Fred := (color and $ff) shr 2; 2 : Fgreen := ((color shr 8) and $ff) shr 2; 3 : Fblue := ((color shr 16) and $ff) shr 2; end; if visible then setslide(i); end; end; procedure TDav7ColorMixer.clearSlide(nr : byte); //erase slide nr var x,y1,y2 : byte; i,cc : byte; begin with self do with canvas do begin brush.color := getparentform(self).color; x := (nr - 1)*40; cc := 0; case nr of 1 : cc := Fred; 2 : cc := Fgreen; 3 : cc := Fblue; end; y1 := cc shl 1; y2 := y1 + 11; pen.Width := 1; pen.Color := 0; brush.style := bsSolid; fillrect(rect(x,y1,x+40,y2)); if y1 < 5 then y1 := 5; if y2 > 133 then y2 := 134; moveto(x+10,y1); lineto(x+10,y2); moveto(x+30,y1); lineto(x+30,y2); for i := 0 to 11 do if (y1+i >= 5) and (y1+i <= 133) then begin if y1 + i = 133 then pen.Color := 0 else pen.Color := y2color(y1+i-5,nr); moveto(x+11,y1+i); lineto(x+30,y1+i); end;//for i end;//with end; procedure Tdav7ColorMixer.setslide(nr : byte); //set slide nr acc. to bc var x,y : byte; i,cc : byte; begin cc := 0; case nr of 1 : cc := Fred; 2 : cc := Fgreen; 3 : cc := Fblue; end; x := (nr-1)*40; y := cc shl 1; with self do with canvas do begin brush.style := bsClear; pen.width := 1; pen.color := 0; rectangle(x+4,y,x+37,y+11); for i := 0 to 5 do begin moveto(x+4+i,y+i); lineto(x+4+i,y+11-i); end; x := x+36; for i := 0 to 5 do begin moveto(x-i,y+i); lineto(x-i,y+11-i); end; end; end; procedure Tdav7Colormixer.Paint; var i,j,x1,x2,y,k : byte; begin with self do with canvas do begin brush.color := getparentform(self).color; pen.color := $000000; pen.Width := 1; brush.style := bsSolid; fillrect(rect(0,0,width,height)); brush.Style := bsClear; for i := 0 to 2 do begin x1 := 10+40*i; x2 := x1+21; for j := 0 to 63 do begin y := 5 + 2*j; pen.color := y2color(y-5,i+1); for k := 0 to 1 do begin moveto(x1,y+k); lineto(x2,y+k); end;//for k end; pen.color := $0; rectangle(x1,5,x2,133); setslide(i+1); end;//for i end;//with canvas end; procedure Tdav7ColorMixer.change(x,y: integer); //process change var modx,slide : byte; proc : boolean; begin if (x > 0) and (x < 120) and (y > 0) and (y < 133) then begin modx := x mod 40; if (modx > 5) and (modx < 35) then begin slide := x div 40 + 1; y := (y - 5); if y < 0 then y := 0 else y := y shr 1; proc := false; case slide of 1 : proc := Fred <> y; 2 : proc := Fgreen <> y; 3 : proc := Fblue <> y; end; if proc then begin clearslide(slide); case slide of 1 : Fred := y; 2 : Fgreen := y; 3 : Fblue := y; end; setslide(slide); packRGB; if componentstate * [csDesigning] = [] then if assigned(FOnSelect) then FonSelect(self,Fcolor); end;//if proc end;//if modx end;//if x > 0 end; procedure Tdav7colormixer.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin change(x,y); end; procedure Tdav7ColorMixer.mousemove(Shift : Tshiftstate; x,y : integer); begin if shift = [] then exit; change(x,y); end; end. |
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