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Introduction Arrays are an efficient way to organize large amounts of similar data. A graphic-user-interface uses many buttons with similar characteristics to start processes or select modes of operation. So, why not organize buttons as arrays? This article describes a Delphi ArrayButton Component, which arranges buttons in a rectangle of columns and rows. Characteristics The component can have a maximum of 48 buttons [0..47] which may be organized as a single row, single column or any combination of rows and columns. All buttons have the same width and height. Properties:
Button Behaviour A button can have the status:
In addition, a button can operate in the following modes:
Each button is assigned to a group, 0..15. In a group only one button can have the status stDown. So, pressing a button releases any stDown button with the same group number. Responsibilities The component takes care of: - painting edges and background colors - generating events when the status of a button changes The application programmer should: - paint the foreground image or caption according to button status Colors The property "color" is the color of the border and spacing between the buttons. Five colors in an array[bcInactBG..bcLO] of longInt are used to indicate the status of a button.
How they look (foreground not painted)
On receiving an onBtnChange or onBtnPaint event along with the button number and the button status, the application should request the rectangle by the method function GetBtnRect(btnNr); It is the responsability of the application programmer not to paint over the button edges. Click on download (lightning) icon at the top of the page to download the complete Delphi-7 project. Application An application has been build, with the sole purpose to demonstrate some arraybuttons. It only is a skeleton where the user may select an action from a menubutton, select a penwidth or color. Below is the main form with menubuttons load..roundrect at the top of the page. On the left side are the property buttons which open dialog forms. ![]() ![]() ![]() Click [ here] to load the program. Click [ here] to load the Delphi-7 demo project. Below is the complete source code of the component. The complete ArrayButton Component unit davArrayBtn; { aug.8 2004: corrected column/row problem when using max number of buttons columns and rows of buttons, 0..47 maximal, for menu's and controls common properties: - button width,height - button edge 1..2 , borderwidth - shape: - flat, corners rounded - raised, 3D, sharp corners - colortable for alternate colors of edges/background per button: - button belongs to group 0..15 only -1- button of a group can be down at the time - button operating mode - mom : released on mouse-up - press : user press down, released by other button - toggle: additional user 2 ND press Up action - button status: - hidden - flat (inactive) - down (activated) component: - paints edges and backgrounds - triggers onBtnPaint event if button foreground needs painting - triggers onBtnChange event when button pressed or released application: - paints foreground when triggered by event - responds to button pressed/released, Enter/Leave controlbyte per Button: bit 0..3 : group code 0..15 bit 4,5 : action : 00:mom 01:press 10:toggle bit 6,7 : status : 00:hidden 01:flat 10:down } interface uses windows,extctrls,controls,classes,graphics,messages; const davmaxBtn = 48;//buttons 0..47; btn 48 = no button type TBtnShape = (bsFlat,bs3D); TBtnStatus = (stHidden,stFlat,stDown,stHI); TBtnOpmode = (omMom,omPress,omToggle); TBtnColorIndex = (bcInactBG,bcActiveBG,bcFlat,bcHI,bcLO); TBtnChangeProc = procedure(sender : TObject; BtnNr : byte; status : TBtnStatus; button : TmouseButton) of object; TBtnPaintProc = procedure(sender : TObject; BtnNr : byte; status : TBtnStatus) of object; TColorTable = array[bcInactBG..bcLO] of LongInt; TPColorTable = ^TColorTable; TDavArrayBtn = class(TGraphicControl) private FonBtnchange : TBtnChangeProc; FonBtnPaint : TBtnPaintProc; FonEnter : TNotifyEvent; FonLeave : TNotifyEvent; FHiBtn : byte; //mouse over this button Frows : byte; //rows Fcolumns : byte; //columns FbtnWidth : byte; //button width FbtnHeight : byte; //button height FBtnEdge : byte; //button edge FBtnSpacing : byte; //space between buttons FBorder : byte; //border FBtnShape : TBtnShape; //rounded flat, 3D FPcolorTable : TPColorTable; FBtnControl : array[0..davmaxBtn] of byte; FNextRelease : byte; procedure setRows(n : byte); procedure setColumns(n : byte); procedure setBtnWidth(n : byte); procedure setBtnHeight(n : byte); procedure setBtnshape(bs : TBtnShape); procedure setBorder(b : byte); procedure setSpacing(b : byte); procedure setBtnEdge(edge : byte); procedure repaintBtns; procedure fixdimensions; procedure BtnPaint(BtnNr : byte; bst : TBtnStatus); procedure CMmouseLeave(var message : Tmessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; procedure CMmouseEnter(var message : Tmessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER; procedure InitBtns; procedure SetBtnStatus(BtnNr : byte; status : TBtnStatus); function GetBtnGroup(BtnNr : byte) : byte; function GetBtnOpMode(BtnNr : byte) : TBtnOpMode; protected procedure paint; override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure AssignColorTable(p : TPcolorTable); procedure TestReleaseBtn(downBtn : byte); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; function GetBtnRect(btnNr : byte) : TRect; function GetBtnStatus(btnNr : byte) : TBtnStatus; procedure setBtnOpmode(BtnNr : byte; opMode: TBtnOpmode); procedure BtnHide(btnNr : byte); procedure BtnShow(btnNr : byte); procedure BtnDown(btnNr : byte); procedure BtnRelease(btnNr : byte); procedure setBtnGroup(btnNr,group : byte); property canvas; property PColorTable : TPColorTable read FPColorTable write AssignColorTable; published property Border : byte read FBorder write setBorder default 10; property BtnHeight : byte read FBtnHeight write setBtnHeight default 20; property BtnSpacing : byte read FBtnSpacing write setSpacing default 5; property BtnShape : TBtnShape read FBtnShape write setBtnShape default bs3D; property BtnWidth : byte read FBtnWidth write setbtnwidth default 30; property BtnEdge : byte read FBtnEdge write SetBtnEdge default 1; property Color; property Columns : byte read Fcolumns write setcolumns default 2; property Enabled; property Font; property onBtnChange : TBtnChangeProc read FonBtnChange write FonBtnChange; property onBtnPaint : TBtnPaintProc read FonBtnPaint write FonBtnPaint; property OnEnter : TNotifyEvent read FOnEnter write FOnEnter; property OnLeave : TNotifyEvent read FonLeave write FOnLeave; property Rows : byte read Frows write setRows default 2; property Visible; end; procedure Register; implementation const defaultColors : TColorTable = ($c0c0c0,$f0f0f0,$808080,$ffffff,$202020); procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('system',[TdavArrayBtn]); end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.SetBtnOpMode(BtnNr : byte; Opmode : TBtnOpMode); var cb : byte; begin cb := FBtnControl[BtnNr] and $cf; FBtnControl[BtnNr] := cb or (byte(OpMode) shl 4); end; function TdavArrayBtn.GetBtnOpMode(BtnNr : byte) : TbtnOpMode; begin result := TBtnOpMode((FBtnControl[BtnNr] shr 4) and $3); end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.setBtnStatus(BtnNr : byte; status : TBtnStatus); var bc : byte; begin bc := FBtnControl[BtnNr] and $3f; FBtnControl[BtnNr] := bc or (byte(status) shl 6); end; function TdavArrayBtn.GetBtnGroup(BtnNr : byte) : byte; begin result := FBtnControl[BtnNr] and $f; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.setBtnGroup(btnNr,group : byte); //add button to group var bc : byte; begin bc := FBtnControl[BtnNr] and $f0; FBtnControl[BtnNr] := bc or group; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.initBtns; //alle buttons group -0-, press var i,top : byte; control : byte; begin top := FRows*Fcolumns-1; control := (byte(stFlat) shl 6) or (byte(omPress) shl 4); for i := 0 to davmaxBtn do if i <= top then FBtnControl[i] := control else FBtnControl[i] := 0; end; function TdavarrayBtn.GetBtnStatus(btnNr : byte) : TBtnStatus; begin result := TBtnStatus((FBtnControl[btnNr] shr 6) and $3); end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.BtnHide(btnNr : byte); //hide button begin if GetBtnStatus(btnNr) <> stHidden then begin SetBtnStatus(btnNr,stHidden); if FHiBtn = btnNr then FHiBtn := davmaxBtn; BtnPaint(btnNr,stHidden); end; end; procedure TdavarrayBtn.BtnShow(btnNr : byte); //show a hidden button, set flat begin if GetBtnStatus(btnNr) = stHidden then begin SetBtnStatus(btnNr,stFlat); BtnPaint(BtnNr,stFlat); end; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.BtnRelease(btnNr : byte); //set button from DOWN to Flat begin if GetBtnStatus(btnNr) = stDown then begin SetBtnStatus(btnNr,stFlat); BtnPaint(btnNr,stFlat); end; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.BtnDown(btnNr : byte); begin if GetBtnStatus(btnNr) = stFlat then begin SetBtnStatus(btnNr,stDown); BtnPaint(btnNr,stDown); TestReleaseBtn(btnNr);//to release other buttons end; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.TestReleaseBtn(downBtn : byte); //downBtn was pressed down, test to release buttons of same group var groupNr,i : byte; begin groupNr := GetBtnGroup(downBtn); for i := 0 to Frows*Fcolumns-1 do if (i <> downBtn) and (GetBtnGroup(i) = groupNr) and (GetBtnStatus(i) = stDown) then begin SetBtnStatus(i,stFlat); btnPaint(i,stFlat); end; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.BtnPaint(btnNr : byte; bst : TBtnStatus); //if button hidden: erase var r : Trect; radius : byte; k1,k2 : LongInt; i : byte; begin r := GetBtnRect(btnNr); with canvas do begin pen.Width := 1; brush.style := bssolid; case bst of stHidden : begin brush.color := color; brush.style := bsSolid; fillrect(r); exit; end; stFlat : begin brush.color := PColorTable^[bcInactBG]; k1 := PColorTable^[bcFlat]; k2 := k1; end; stHI : begin brush.color := PColorTable^[bcInactBG]; k1 := PColorTable^[bcHI]; k2 := PColorTable^[bcLO]; end; stDown : begin brush.color := PColorTable^[bcActiveBG]; k1 := PColorTable^[bcLO]; k2 := PColorTable^[bcHI]; end; end;//case if FBtnShape = bsFlat then //vlak,ronde hoeken begin radius := FBtnHeight div 2; if radius > 40 then radius := 40; if radius < 10 then radius := 10; pen.Width := FbtnEdge; pen.color := k1; roundrect(r.left+1,r.top+1,r.right,r.bottom,radius,radius); end else begin fillrect(r); for i := 0 to FbtnEdge-1 do begin pen.color := k1; moveto(r.right-1-i,r.top+i); lineto(r.left+i,r.top+i); lineto(r.left+i,r.bottom-1-i); pen.color := k2; lineto(r.right-1-i,r.bottom-1-i); lineto(r.right-1-i,r.top+i); end;//for end;//else end;//with canvas if not (csDesigning in componentstate) and assigned(onBtnPaint) then onBtnPaint(self,btnNr,bst); end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.RepaintBtns; //na initialiseren hele paintbox var i : byte; begin for i := 0 to FRows*Fcolumns-1 do BtnPaint(i,GetBtnStatus(i)); end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.FixDimensions; //adjust width,height na verandering van knop of spacing //generates onPaint event begin if FRows = 0 then FRows := 1; if FColumns = 0 then FColumns := 1; width := FColumns*(FBtnWidth + FBtnSpacing) - FBtnSpacing + 2*Fborder; height := FRows*(FBtnHeight + FBtnspacing) - FBtnSpacing + 2*Fborder; end; constructor TdavArrayBtn.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited create(Aowner); canvas.font := font; FHiBtn := davmaxBtn;//=off FBtnShape := bs3D; FbtnEdge := 1; FPColorTable := @defaultColors; Frows := 2; Fcolumns := 2; InitBtns; FbtnWidth := 40; FbtnHeight := 30; FBtnSpacing := 5; FBorder := 10; fixDimensions;//set width , height end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.AssignColorTable(p : TPcolorTable); begin FPcolorTable := p; invalidate; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var status : TBtnStatus; begin FNextRelease := davmaxBtn; if (FHiBtn = davmaxBtn) then exit; //no button selected //---- status := GetBtnstatus(FHIbtn); if status = stFlat then begin SetBtnStatus(FHIbtn,stDown); BtnPaint(FHIbtn,stDown); TestReleaseBtn(FHIbtn); if assigned(FonBtnChange) and (not (csDesigning in componentstate)) then onBtnChange(self,FHiBtn,stDown,button); end; case GetBtnOpMode(FHIbtn) of omMom : FNextRelease := FHIbtn; omToggle : if status = stDown then FNextrelease := FHIbtn; end;//case end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if FNextRelease <> davmaxBtn then begin SetBtnStatus(FNextRelease,stFlat); BtnPaint(FNextRelease,stFlat); if (not (csDesigning in componentstate)) and assigned(FonBtnChange) then onBtnChange(self,FNextRelease,stFlat,button); end; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var dx,maxX,maxY,dy : integer; button : byte; px,py : integer; status : TBtnStatus; begin x := x - FBorder; y := y - FBorder; dx := FBtnSpacing + FBtnWidth; dy := FBtnSpacing + FBtnHeight; maxX := FColumns * dx; maxY := FRows * dy; px := x mod dx; py := y mod dy; if (x < maxX) and (y < maxY) and (px > FBtnEdge) and (px < dx-FBtnEdge-FBtnSpacing) and (py > FBtnEdge) and (py < dy-FBtnEdge-FBtnSpacing) then begin button := x div dx + FColumns*(y div dy); end else button := davmaxBtn; status := GetBtnStatus(button); if (status = stHidden) then button := davmaxBtn; if button = FHiBtn then exit;//if no change //---process Btn change if button <> davmaxBtn then cursor := crhandpoint else cursor := crArrow; if (FHIbtn <> davmaxBtn) and (GetBtnStatus(FHIbtn) <> stDown) then BtnPaint(FHIbtn,stFlat);//remove HI edge if (button <> davmaxBtn) and (GetBtnStatus(button) <> stDown) then BtnPaint(button,stHI);//paint HI FHIbtn := button; end; procedure TdavarrayBtn.Paint; //teken de paintbox //teken alle buttons var i : byte; k1,k2 : LongInt; begin FHiBtn := davmaxBtn; with canvas do begin brush.color := color; pen.Width := 1; pen.color := PcolorTable^[bcFlat]; fillrect(rect(0,0,width,height)); if FBorder > 0 then begin if FBtnShape = bs3D then begin k1 := PcolorTable^[bcHI]; k2 := PcolorTable^[bcFlat]; end else begin k1 := Pcolortable^[bcFlat]; k2 := k1; end; pen.color := k1; moveto(width-1,0); lineto(0,0); lineto(0,height-1); pen.color := k2; lineto(width-1,height-1); lineto(width-1,0); end;//if border end;//with for i := 0 to FColumns*Frows-1 do if GetBtnStatus(i) <> stHidden then Btnpaint(i,GetBtnStatus(i)); end; function TdavArrayBtn.GetBtnRect(btnNr : byte) : TRect; //geef rectangle waarin button getekend moet worden var x,y : integer; begin x := btnNr mod Fcolumns; y := btnNr div FColumns; with result do begin left := Fborder + (FBtnWidth + FBtnspacing)*x; right := left + FBtnWidth; top := Fborder + (FBtnHeight + FBtnspacing)*y; bottom := top + FbtnHeight; end; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.setRows(n : byte); begin if n = 0 then n := 1; if n > davmaxBtn then n := davmaxBtn; if n * Fcolumns > davMaxBtn then Fcolumns := 1; Frows := n; initBtns; FixDimensions; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.setColumns(n : byte); begin if n = 0 then n := 1; if n > davMaxBtn then n := davMaxbtn; if n * Frows > davMaxBtn then Frows := 1; Fcolumns := n; initBtns; FixDimensions; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.setBtnWidth(n : byte); begin if n < 10 then n := 10; FBtnWidth := n; FixDimensions; end; procedure TdavarrayBtn.setBtnHeight(n : byte); begin if n < 10 then n := 10; FBtnHeight := n; FixDimensions; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.setBtnShape(bs : TBtnShape); begin FBtnShape := bs; invalidate; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.setBtnEdge(edge : byte); begin if edge = 0 then edge := 1 else if edge > 2 then edge := 2; FBtnEdge := edge; repaintBtns; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.setBorder(b : byte); begin Fborder := b; FixDimensions; end; procedure TdavarrayBtn.setSpacing(b : byte); begin FBtnSpacing := b; FixDimensions; end; procedure TdavArrayBtn.CMmouseLeave(var message : Tmessage); begin if (FHiBtn <> davmaxbtn) then begin if GetBtnStatus(FHIbtn) <> stDown then BtnPaint(FHIbtn,stFlat); FHIbtn := davMaxBtn; end; if not (csDesigning in componentstate) and assigned(FOnLeave) then onLeave(self); end; procedure TdavarrayBtn.CMmouseEnter(var message : Tmessage); begin if not (csDesigning in componentstate) and assigned(FOnLeave) then onEnter(self); end; end. ![]() |
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